If there was any doubt that our culture rewards psychopathy before the original publication of Will Black's scathing book, events since its original publication have underlined the fact. This brand new 2022 edition of Psychopathic Cultures and Toxic Empires is extremely timely. Arguably, such a book will always be timely as it charts the influence of psychopathy throughout media, politics and society in general while graphically illustrating how this creates a toxic culture. It is as essential reading now as it was when the first edition was published.
“This book is brilliantly timed with so many exemplars of a psychopathic cultures coming to the fore in the courts. From the dressing rooms of celebrities to the news room of News of the World, we have constantly been reminded how secretive powerful institutions breed abuse by the powerful of the powerless. In a world which has lost absolutes of good and evil, Will Black shows how individuals can be swayed by social pathologies, and even good people can easily be led to do bad things” –Peter Jukes, author of The Fall of the House of Murdoch and pioneering ‘hacking trial’ live tweeter
Frontline Noir, founded in 2008, is a publisher of current affairs and recent history titles covering controversial topics and events, often written by people who were participants or otherwise affected. Our aim is to ensure such subjects are given a human and personal touch as often such important events are viewed without due appreciation of the human story.
Will Black is an anthropologist, journalist and former clinician. He is the author of Beyond the End of the World, Veneer of Civilisation and Psychopathic Cultures, the first of which was based on postgraduate anthropological research into experimental religion, conspiracy theories and cult activity. Veneer of Civilisation and Psychopathic Cultures span politics, the mind and science. They are both published by Frontline Noir.
Price £13.99
ISBN: 9781904684718
234 pages
Category Current Affairs/Psychology
Format: B Paperback 198 x 130 mm